
You can find listings of up-to-date employment opportunities in this section. View listings grouped by deadline.  You can advertise a Job Vacancy with us.

Note: Do not submit your application to Activelink. We are not a recruiting agency. Please respond directly to advertiser.

StartBright Early Learning Centres: Invitation to Tender

StartBright Early Learning Centres wish to invite you to tender to conduct an evaluation of the StartBright Way and StartBright as a model of best practice.

  • Tenders

Safefood: Community Food Initiative Funding Programme (Northern Ireland) Tender

We invite tenders from an external organisation (either a ‘Non-Governmental Organisation’ or a State Body) who have knowledge of and strong links with the community sector, to manage the Community Food Initiative Funding Programme 2025-2028.

  • Tenders

Safefood: Community Food Initiative Funding Programme (Ireland) Tender

We invite tenders from an external organisation (either a ‘Non-Governmental Organisation’ or a State Body) who have knowledge of and strong links with the community sector, to manage the Community Food Initiative Funding Programme 2025-2028.

  • Tenders

AONTAS: Online Disinformation Workbook Developer

AONTAS – Digital Citizens Strengthening Communities Training Initiative – Application for an Online Disinformation Workbook Developer.

  • Tenders

Tallaght Drug & Alcohol Task Force: Invitation to Tender

Tender to independently evaluate the purpose, impact, and outcomes of the Run with Rob Programme, a Connect 4 initiative, and if applicable, make recommendations for its sustainability.

Dublin 24
  • Tenders

Department of Justice: Cultural Mediation Service RFI

The purpose of this RFI is to gather specific market place information and to consider alternative approaches to external service delivery.

  • Tenders

CARI Foundation: Request for Tender

We are looking for a consultant that is experienced in helping non-profiit organisations prepare strategic plans, operational plans and fundraising strategies.

  • Tenders

Irish Penal Reform Trust: Invitation to Tender

Invitation to Tender: Research to explore the financial impact on children and families in Ireland when a family member is imprisoned.

  • Tenders