Tender to independently evaluate the purpose, impact, and outcomes of the Run with Rob Programme, a Connect 4 initiative, and if applicable, make recommendations for its sustainability.
Tender Contract: Strategic Planning Consultancy Services. DVAS is seeking a qualified consultant to develop a comprehensive strategic plan for the period 2025-2028.
The Children’s Grief Centre are seeking to recruit a Consultant to facilitate a strategic planning process to produce the new three year Strategy. (2024-2027).
We are seeking a suitably qualified individual or agency to facilitate a collaborative planning process, and produce an accessible, concise planning document.
We invites tender submissions of a detailed Research and development evidenced baseline report including analysis and a webinar to explain the data collected.
We wish to appoint consultant(s) to complete a formative evaluation of its Early Years Play Therapy project & evaluate the impact of the Early Years Play Therapy project.
Know Your Rights in Care: A creative arts project with children in care. We are seeking a Creative Lead for a participative project with children and young people in care.
We are looking for a consultant that is experienced in helping non-profiit organisations prepare strategic plans, operational plans and fundraising strategies.
LAWPRO is seeking applications from interested community led organisations to work in partnership with the project to host Agricultural Community Animator scientific posts.
Regional Mapping Exercise - ‘To map current service provision for people at risk of/experiencing substance use disorder and their families and identify gaps in the continuum of care’.
CRNI is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced individuals to project manage the current phase of its groundbreaking Virtual Trade Fair.
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