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In January 2025, the Criminal justice Open Research Dialogue (CORD) Partnership published An Agenda for the CORD Partnership, 2025-2026. The 2025-26 Agenda was co-created with dozens of partners in 2024 to progress the CORD Partnership’s goals over the coming years.
Sage Advocacy has forecast a more than doubling of demand for its services over the coming three years – and asked for the new Government to support the necessary expansion of its work. Launching The Next Stage it’s Statement of Strategy 2025-2027 today, Sage Advocacy said it is expecting a year on year growth of up 40% in demand.
A new Programme for Government should include measures to grow Irish philanthropy for the benefit of communities, according to Community Foundation Ireland. The Foundation makes its call as a 2024 Impact Report shows that donations for the year will surpass €27 Million, equal to an annual record set in the immediate aftermath of the pandemic.
The passing of Jimmy Carter RIP reminds us of his incredible role in transforming Irish law which recognises prostitution as gender-based violence, according to the Sexual Exploitation Research and Policy (SERP) Institute.
In 2024, the Regulator commissioned its second major independent research to examine the Irish retail sector’s compliance with rules governing the sale of National Lottery products to under 18's. The purpose of this research exercise is to test whether the measures taken by the Operator are sufficient to prevent children purchasing National Lottery products.
While the forthcoming pension auto-enrolment scheme will increase pension coverage, it will not address the structural inequalities faced by women in our pension system and may even make them worse. This is one of the key findings of a new report “Still stuck in the Gap – Pensions Auto-enrolment from a Gender and Care lens” by the National Women’s Council.
Interim Chief Medical Officer, Professor Mary Horgan, today announced the results of the Healthy Ireland Survey 2024. Supported by the Department of Health, the annual survey by Ipsos B&A gives an up-to-date picture of the health of the nation, reporting on many health-related lifestyle behaviours.
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