Dublin Friends of the Earth: Steering Committee Volunteers

Dublin Friends of the Earth is the local volunteer arm of Friends of the Earth Ireland. We are a small volunteer / activist-run group with a steering committee that coordinates the group in their free time. 

We campaign on general environmental and climate issues, for example fossil fuels, biodiversity loss, active transport, decarbonisation, clean energy, reducing plastic etc. Our group comprises a broad range of people - students, professionals, parents, and grandparents! 

We are expanding our Steering Committee and welcome any and all applications - we are especially looking for people interested in engaging with the movement online and promoting activities and wins for our planet and on social media!

Expected commitment is 2-4hrs per week max, and duties include monitoring mailbox / social media, and coordinating / attending 2 online meetings per month. 

You can email dublin@foe.ie with the subject "Steering Committee Application" with brief details answering: 

  • Why you are interested in joining the steering committee, and 
  • What you would like to do or explore with Dublin FOE as a Steering Committee member. 

We expect no more than 200-300 words total, though feel free to include documents or links if you find these may support your application.

Contact: dublin@foe.ie with enquiries.

Closing Date: Accepting applications on a rolling basis.

Contact Details: dublin@foe.ie

Salary: Unpaid/Voluntary. 2-4hrs per week at a maximum.

Date Entered/Updated:
Expiry Date:
Region: Dublin