Irish Hospice Foundation Bereavement Workshop: Grieving as a Family Carer

Grieving as a Family Carer image

Workshop: Grieving as a Family Carer

Date/Time: Friday, May 24, 2024, 9:15 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Location: Online


Caring for a loved one at home is a journey that can begin at any stage of life. It may initially involve helping an older parent or relative with shopping, assisting with meals and medication management, but this role can grow and intensify over time. For others, their caring role can arise suddenly due to the birth of a child with special needs, a spouse or family member becoming ill or a parent having a stroke, for example.

There are a number of losses a Family Carer may experience throughout and beyond their caring journey, including the loss of a hoped-for future for the cared for person, the loss of employment or the loss of a sense of self. There are a number of factors that impact on how these losses and experienced and processed, including the quality of the relationship between the Family Carer and the cared for person.

This Irish Hospice Foundation Bereavement Workshop will explore the nature of some of the losses experienced by Family Carers, provide insight into elements that impact on how these losses are experienced and provide guidance on supporting a Family Carer who is grieving.


  • Anna de Siún, accredited Psychotherapist with a background in health services research, project management and programme development
  • Tanya Bryan, a Humanistic Integrative Psychotherapist who is part of the counselling team with Family Carers Ireland National Counselling Service

Cost: €100

Register: Please register on Eventbrite:

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Region: Online