Kilkenny LEADER Partnership: Development Worker - Urlingford
Development Worker
Urlingford, Co. Kilkenny
14 hours per week.
Urlingford Town Team have come together on a voluntary basis, to work with the Kilkenny County Council, Kilkenny LEADER Partnership and others to tackle current challenges and a capitalise on opportunities to regenerate Urlingford and improve the quality of life for the local community. To this end Kilkenny LEADER Partnership in collaboration with the Town Team are seeking to recruit a Development Worker. The focus of this role will be;
- Supporting the ongoing upgrade and development the community hall as a resource for the local community.
- Support the promotion and operation of the Exit 4 Remote Working Hub in the town.
- Working with community groups, Kilkenny County Council, and other parties to deliver the Town Centre First Plan; to improve the physical structure of the town - streets, roads, lighting, footpaths- fit for purpose Improve outdoor facilities, explore walkability, leisure spaces and town trails; Making the local infrastructure fit for purpose primarily through ensuring the provision of adequate broadband for the local community.
- Linking town to ecological, social and economic opportunities attached to re-wetting of bogs in the region and other natural and heritage resources in the town and its hinterland.
- Support the development of broad community connection to these activities using community development processes.
- Delivering the development and delivery of community events that support the building of civic pride.
Key Requirements.
- Relevant educational qualification at degree level or higher/equivalent – in the field community development.
- Excellent interpersonal skills.
- Excellent communication, coordination and administration skills.
- A proven track record in the delivery of programme related targets.
- Project Management Experience.
- Be able to work collaboratively across teams within an organisation and with partners.
- Be able respond to change in the wider environment as the programme seeks to respond to same.
- An excellent working knowledge of the Local Development sector.
- A proven track record in the delivery of programme related targets.
- A good working knowledge of the Local Development sector.
Please forward a full CV and letter of application to: Martin Rafter. Kilkenny LEADER Partnership. 8 Patricks Court. Patrick St. Kilkenny. Tel: 056 7752111. Closing date for applications by email: 5 pm Friday 21st February 2025.
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