Building Sustainable Relationships and Resolving Conflict - Free Zoom Webinar
Understanding the Past by Standing Under the Future.
Changing the Past by Changing the Future.
Free Zoom Webinar
Wednesday 2nd October 7.00 – 8.30pm.
History has been described as just one damn thing after another.
13.8 billion years of a near infinite number of events following other events.
And most events have been conditioned by ones that went before.
For example, if the Earth hadn’t formed up some 4.6 billion years ago, I wouldn’t be writing this flier!
In many ways the past decides the future as to what happens next.
This is how conflict both perpetuates itself and escalates.
My reaction is governed by your action.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a tit for a tat.
But as Ghandi said – an eye for an eye, leaves everyone blind.
For a REACTION is just that – a RE ACTION to and from the past ACTION.
This keeps things locked into and governed by the past.
And if we are locked in prisons of the past then the future can’t get access into the present because the present is full of the past.
We need to be able to Understand the past and how we got here.
But …… we need to not be governed by and conditioned by it.
We can Stand Under the Past and learn from it, but being governed by it means that we are retreating from the future, and it is retreating from us.
Far better to Stand Under the Future and ask ourselves:
How can the Future rescue us all from the past?
In this free Zoom Webinar we shall be looking at the two great pivots within Understanding in terms of building sustainable futures and resolving conflict:
And they are:
- What is my / the actual situation here?
- What position do I need to take about it to make it better?
Spoiler alert: If you don’t factor the Future into the equation, you will only get the same wrong answer that you got yesterday or perhaps an even worse one!
Finally, here’s a thought before the Webinar:
You can’t change the Action and Reaction to events both world and personal if you don’t change the Connection first.
This Webinar is part of an ongoing series to do with Building Sustainable Relationships and Resolving Conflict.
All are welcome and hopefully it will be an interesting and revealing experience together with some light bulb moments along the way.
Facilitator: Tony Kearney
Tony grew up in New Zealand where he trained as a solicitor. He then worked as a solicitor in London for over 20 years before moving to Ireland in 2006 to further his work around building sustainable relationships into the future. This includes planting a forest on the farm where he now lives and acting as a Mediator in workplace, community, schools, family, and commercial disputes. He also runs training and other events and is the author of five books.
To register for this Webinar or find out more email Tony at: